Wednesday, 29 February 2012


Costume plays an important role in all movies; it is the way in which characters personalities and attributes are portrayed. Some film genres costume plays a more important role than others, when characters have a job, which requires a uniform for example, the costume would need to be exact. For our romantic movie the costume is not as important and although doesn’t need to be specific it is still important to get right. For our film we wanted to portray our characters as average and stereotypical 18-19 year olds therefore the costume was based on high-street clothing found I shops like Topshop, river island and New look with  the male role wearing burtons and vans trainers, it was important to keep the costume relatable in order to portray them as stereotypes and allow an outside audience to relate to the characters.

It was also important to have different costumes throughout the trailer to show time and days passing for example we were able to film different seasons so in the beginning of the trailer different coast are used and even wooly hats are used yet towards the end more summer clothes are seen such as flowery jeans and converse trainers instead of boots. When the male lead role ‘Chase’ is seen and portrayed as a ‘thug’ it was important that his costume and props were able to portray this role therefore tracksuit bottoms a hoodie and a baseball bat were used in the scene. 

Saturday, 25 February 2012

Billing Block

The Billing block is regularly used in both film trailers and film posters, so we plan on using the block in both, at first glance we thought the billing block would be easy to recreate, it wasn’t until it came to making the block we realized just how difficult it actually was, we first needed to decide on a suitable narrow font to use in the billing block, we chose ‘Minion Pro’ we then needed to write out the suitable text found in the billing block being the names of the production companies, the names of the actors, producers, directors, music producers, etc. we had to write all the text in capital letters and change the sizes if the fonts. Bigger font for the names of the actors etc. and smaller for the position, when we had finally completed the billing block it looked really effective and genuine. For the billing block in the actual trailer we also added the logos for the three production companies; ‘Paramount Vantage’, ‘Focus Features’ and our own ‘Attachment Productions’ this was to ensure the audience are aware of the producers of the movie for future reference. 

Thursday, 23 February 2012


The music which we would use in our trailer was a huge task to decide on, we wanted a piece of music that conveyed both the positiveness and negativness of the relationship and the narrative of the film trailer, our first choice for song was Jose Vander’s: ‘Metal Detector’ this song worked really well at the beginning of the trailer when the two characters ‘fall in love’, yet didn’t build up enough to portray the climax of the trailer and how things go wrong for the two main characters. This bought us to adding a new song Snow Patrol: ‘Set Fire to the Third Bar’ which was also used in the trailer ‘Dear John’ we though this song worked really effectively for the end part of the film but didn’t flow well with the other songs combined as they contrast massively, we then went on a search for an instrumental song to use at the beginning of the trailer and combine it with ‘set fire to the third bar’ but finally decided that this was to difficult and was too similar to the ‘Dear John Trailer’ in which if we were to really bring out the trailer we would be compared to that film. After all this consideration we finally as a group chose the song ‘Give Me Love’ by Ed Sheeran. 
Ed Sheeran Email:
We were able to use the track ‘Give Me Love’ by Ed Sheeran in our film trailer if we were able to email and ask for permission for the use of it we tracked down Ed Sheeran’s record company; Atlantic Records and then emailed them this:

Dear Atlantic Records
I am writing on behalf of my A level media group, writing to ask permission to use the track from one of your artist’s to use in our media project, the artist in question is the ‘talented’ Ed Sheeran and his track from his new album + “give me love the deluxe version”. Obviously I am aware that your schedule at Atlantic Records is very busy and therefore if you are unable to reply we will assume this are you granting permission for the use of the track, obviously if you reply declining our permission we will not use the song in our project.
Many thanks
Jade Coutinho, Sarah Ryan, Molly Rowe

Wednesday, 15 February 2012


We wanted to use a number different of locations in the film to show the couple both ‘out and about’ and in an indoor environment, we filmed a lot of the film at St Mary’s Island in different places around the island and dockside include pathways and greenery areas. We then moved on to a house scene where the couple was toasting mug glasses in the kitchen, and the bed scene where a single bed was used to film the couple laying in different positions. We also chose to film shots at the local skate park in Rainham after the female character ‘Lilly’ has been left alone this is because ‘Chase’ is a skater and relates to the storyline, we used riverside country park to do some pan shots of ‘Lilly’ looking out across the river, finally we used a dark alley to film the final part of the film where chase is seen as a thug and this was filmed in a dark alley late at night. 

Tuesday, 14 February 2012


When it came to filming our film trailer we decided to start filming during the February Half-Term, by doing this it meant that we would have longer to film the scenes and by doing it inFebruary meant if something was to go wrong we would have a chance to change it before our deadline. Using our Animatic we worked out a number of different shots and locations we could use on film day and a schedule of when we are to film it. We decided to use a panasonic video camera to film the trailer, but found it to not be completely affective and HD. When filming some of the shots the lighting wasn't perfect and this caused further fuzz. 
The first filming session went really well although after returning to school and uploading the clips we found that we would need some individual shots to work with the titles and a couple of extra shots for the ending of the trailer where the plot reaches its climax. 

Thursday, 9 February 2012

Advertising Techniques

Using Photoshop we were able to create a number of different advertisements to promote our film. including a bus poster, a youtube advert and for the magazine a promotion on the website. 

When it came to making the Youtube advert we print screened the youtube home page, and used the top advert as a template to create our film advertisment. we then seperated the focal image from our film poster and used this as the left-hand smaller image, we then on the right hand side eddited in the starring roles, the film title 'Intimate' and the phrase 'coming soon' to hold the audience in suspence. we also eddited in the Youtube logo inthe bottom right hand corner of the left hand image. we as a group were very please with the way this turned out, and thinked it looked ver genuine. 
We used the Interview magazine homepage to advertise our version of the Interview Magazine, this was a very simpled edit as it simply involved print screening the interview home page and then using photoshop to copy and paste our version of the publication, making the image smaller and fitting it in the box for the 'currrnt issue'.

Sunday, 5 February 2012

Film Magazine

After Creating our Film Poster we then worked on our Film Magazine which we chose as Interview' to create the magazine we first took the photograph on a sunny day of the female lead. The model wore a white dress and bright sixties style makeup to link back to the Intimate magazines routes of Andy Warhols PopArt.The photograph was then edited in photoshop by adjusting contrast and brightness levels, alternative lighting levels. hue and saturation and increasing the blues and greens of the image, the photograph was cropped into a correct front cover shape and the lip colour was cut out using the magic wand tool and once again adjusted contrast. After we had completed editing the photograph we then discussed title graphics. We found an image of the interview logo on google and opened the image on a photoshop document we then picked an orange colour similar to the lipstick worn by the model and used this as the title colour by adding an artistic filter to make the image appear like plastic wrap we coppied and pasted the title ontop of the focal image.finally using powerpoint we created subtitles of articles in that issue of the magazine including a review of 'Intimate' and a reference to the film being compared to classic; Titanic. We added the date of issue and unlike other magazine publications did not use a barcode or price of the magazine as this would be printed on the back of the publication. 

Thursday, 2 February 2012

Film Poster

When it came to creating a film poster for our film project we first had to get the starring roles (Jim Taylor and Georgia White) present at a location suitable for a romantic movie poster this image was taken on New Years Eve in London Covent Gardens when I was with the couple to see New Years in. To fit in with the title of 'Intimate' we positioned the stars in an intimate embrace. This worked really well for the film poster because of the pun of the title. 


When it came to editing the photo we used adobe photoshop and began by increasing the contrast of the photo and cropping the image to the correct movie poster shape. We then added a filter of a grain to make the photo less sharp and make it look like its a personal photograph on a disposable camera- suggesting the couple don't have much time together.
After getting the image to look how we wanted we started work on the graphics of the title of the film having previous ideas we changed the font to a typewriter sort, and added gripped hands around the middle T and I suggesting hands around prison bars emphasising the pun of the title of 'intimate' and 'in-mate'. After finishing editing the title we created a new layer and added the title on top of the image discussing whether to put the title on the top of the poster or at the bottom.
We then added text to the photoshop document and adding the names of the starring roles of the film in corresponding places, and fiddle with the colour and fonts. 
finally we created our billing block on a powerpoint document changing and altering font sizes and widths to make the block appear genuine we then coppied and pasted the block onto the poster and located it at the top of the image.