Saturday, 25 February 2012

Billing Block

The Billing block is regularly used in both film trailers and film posters, so we plan on using the block in both, at first glance we thought the billing block would be easy to recreate, it wasn’t until it came to making the block we realized just how difficult it actually was, we first needed to decide on a suitable narrow font to use in the billing block, we chose ‘Minion Pro’ we then needed to write out the suitable text found in the billing block being the names of the production companies, the names of the actors, producers, directors, music producers, etc. we had to write all the text in capital letters and change the sizes if the fonts. Bigger font for the names of the actors etc. and smaller for the position, when we had finally completed the billing block it looked really effective and genuine. For the billing block in the actual trailer we also added the logos for the three production companies; ‘Paramount Vantage’, ‘Focus Features’ and our own ‘Attachment Productions’ this was to ensure the audience are aware of the producers of the movie for future reference. 

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