Thursday, 23 February 2012


The music which we would use in our trailer was a huge task to decide on, we wanted a piece of music that conveyed both the positiveness and negativness of the relationship and the narrative of the film trailer, our first choice for song was Jose Vander’s: ‘Metal Detector’ this song worked really well at the beginning of the trailer when the two characters ‘fall in love’, yet didn’t build up enough to portray the climax of the trailer and how things go wrong for the two main characters. This bought us to adding a new song Snow Patrol: ‘Set Fire to the Third Bar’ which was also used in the trailer ‘Dear John’ we though this song worked really effectively for the end part of the film but didn’t flow well with the other songs combined as they contrast massively, we then went on a search for an instrumental song to use at the beginning of the trailer and combine it with ‘set fire to the third bar’ but finally decided that this was to difficult and was too similar to the ‘Dear John Trailer’ in which if we were to really bring out the trailer we would be compared to that film. After all this consideration we finally as a group chose the song ‘Give Me Love’ by Ed Sheeran. 
Ed Sheeran Email:
We were able to use the track ‘Give Me Love’ by Ed Sheeran in our film trailer if we were able to email and ask for permission for the use of it we tracked down Ed Sheeran’s record company; Atlantic Records and then emailed them this:

Dear Atlantic Records
I am writing on behalf of my A level media group, writing to ask permission to use the track from one of your artist’s to use in our media project, the artist in question is the ‘talented’ Ed Sheeran and his track from his new album + “give me love the deluxe version”. Obviously I am aware that your schedule at Atlantic Records is very busy and therefore if you are unable to reply we will assume this are you granting permission for the use of the track, obviously if you reply declining our permission we will not use the song in our project.
Many thanks
Jade Coutinho, Sarah Ryan, Molly Rowe

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