Thursday, 5 January 2012

Initial Ideas

After researching the number of different film genres we could use when creating our film trailer we finally chose the idea of making a 'romantic' trailer the plot for the film will be sad as although we did look into creating a 'romantic comedy' we realized without having a natural comedian in the group to crack a joke every second this would be some what difficult. Romance films are very popular with teenage girls and young women who long for their 'prince charming' to sweep them of their feet and not just the fictional stars in the film they love. all being teenage girls we thought this genre would be the one we'd be most connected to so let the romance begin... 

Film Institutions: 
Film insitutions are basically the production companies which are used to create a movie. There are many different production companies and generally each insitution has it's own specific genre they choose to produce. for example Horror films generally have different insititutions when compared to comedy films. for my Romance movie I can choose from a number of insitutions including:

after looking at the many film institutions we could use, we decided on using both 'Focus Features' and 'Paramount Vintage' because for the type of romantic film we plan on creating these are the two institutions I think in real-life productions would produce a film like ours. 

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